Jaslyn portrait
  • Expedition: May 15-20, 2011
  • Jaslyn
  • Venture Academy
  • Yosemite National Park: Hetch Hetchy

Challenge is very important, it’s what makes us appreciate the things we gain even more. If something is given to us rather than you working hard to get it you really don’t value it as much as you would if it’s a challenge. Especially now in our generation where us as teenagers are handed most of the things we have, they don’t mean as much to you. We barely appreciate all that we have and don’t realize how it would be if we actually didn’t have those things.

The fact that it took so long to climb up to Le Conte and so much of our energy made it all the more gratifying to us, or me at least, to be able to look out and see just how far we’ve come…it’s amazing. And I’m sure the feeling would now have been as great if the trail was easier or shorter. Those are the things that made it all the more better. Challenge is what makes you be able to feel proud of yourself and know that you accomplished something that most other people don’t get the chance too.

Jaslyn hiking

To me, wilderness means freedom- to be in the wilderness, like in Yosemite, is to have the freedom to liberate yourself from all the stress and worries caused by your daily life. It liberates you from your fears and lets you push yourself to do things you really didn’t think you were capable of doing before

To be in the wilderness is to be at peace with yourself. It gives you time to reflect back and gives you the chance to have a greater appreciation for the world we live in and teaches us to give back and help keep the wilderness just the way it is

Wilderness to me is a place on can go to when they need to get away from the noisy city and all their troubles.

Jaslyn takes a break
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