• Expedition: Apr 3-8, 2016
  • Kingsburg High School
  • Yosemite National Park: Hetch Hetchy

A record number of Kingsburg High School students came out to experience beautiful spring waterfalls, wildflowers, Sierra Newts, and other wonders of Yosemite Wilderness. The journey was challenging for many, but the group faced their struggles by working together, playing together, and learning together. "Chicken nuggets!"

In the students' own words:

Today is Wednesday, the day after our 6.5 mile hike. The hike was mentally and physically challenging. Today is our relaxing day, we helped a park ranger clean campsites. It was nice to give back to this beautiful place. Then we wrote in our personal journals and it was very relaxing and gave me peace of mind.

Group Fire Ring Removal

Giving back to the park by removing or minimizing illegal fire rings.

April 6, 2016
I am extremely afraid of heights. With that being said, I did not expect to hike so near a cliff for more than half of the 6.5 mile trail we hiked. I was out of my comfort zone and honestly thought I wasn't going to make the hike. But, everybody was so encouraging and understanding that I knew I at least needed to try. And I did. and I completed the trail. For the majority of the part I had to look at people's feet and not focus on the edges, just on my steps. Now I have to wait and see what the challenge hike has in store for me. I'm hoping for the best and am glad and surprised I passed such narrow trails.
-Valeria, KHS senior 2016

Group Bridge Hetchy

Heading back down the trail.

April 2016
Well, I'm not exactly sure what the date is because I don't have my phone.

Today on our challenge hike something dawned on me. We were walking in "Snickers" formation as our leads like to call it, basically single file, and there was a log thing, branch, I guess. I grabbed it and pulled it out of the way for me and the people behind me. My friend Sara said, "thank you." Why this matters? Because unintentionally I did something kind because the people in front would've done that. It made me realize that's life. The "challenge hike" is life. Sometimes some people seem to struggle more than others. But it's necessary for everyone, and all we can do is move the log to help the people behind us. Tell them when there is a loose rock and just do as much as we can to better other people's experience. If we all do this, what a wonderful place Earth would be. I know this trip isn't religious or whatever, but I believe in God. How can you stare at these mountains and tell me otherwise? I pray everyone that goes on these trips wil be safe, have an amazing experience and grow somehow. That won't be too hard, look at this place. I know my writing sucks and my spelling is worse, but if you read this...good luck to ya at everything you do. I hope your time here is great and that you come back often. I know I will.
Take care,
a fellow human being.

Group Hetchy View

The gorgeous views from the group's challenge hike.

Thursday, April 2016
I don't really know what I was expecting going into this trip. All I knew was I love the outdoors and trying new things, so I thought, "Why not?" The 6.5 mile hike wasn't so bad once I got used to my backpack. It's crazy what you can get used to. I'm glad we're going home tomorrow because I miss my family and my bed and my bathroom, but I'm sad that this visit is coming to an end. I've fallen in love with countless places, and I'm so grateful that I can add Hetch Hetchy to my list.

Go see God's creation, you won't be disappointed. You're already here, get the most of it. Carpe Diem.

Group Hetchy

Hetch Hetchy Reservoir: home, sweet, home for four days.

April 2016
We just finished! :) I'm so proud of everyone in our group. the hike back was SO much easier than the one on the way. The first hike was so tiring and I didn't think I could do it. But I did and have some words of wisdom to say for future travelers:

1) Meet someone new! Even though you go to the same school, there's always someone new to meet!

2) Be nice and listen to the leaders. They are doing so much for you, so show them respect.

3) Eat the Food!! If you don't like the food, just eat it. You'll thank me later.

4) Have fun. Don't be that one person in the group that is a Debby Downer.

Have fun, be safe.
-Sydney, class of 2017

Group Gear

Getting geared up for the expedition!

Group Log Challenge

Learning about trust, communication, and strategy during a group teambuilding challenge.

Circle w Naomi

Learning about National Wilderness from National Park Service Wilderness Ranger Naomi.

Group Waterfall

Yosemite's waterfalls show off some springtime glory.

Group Rancheria Creek

Rancheria Creek.

Group Campfire

Let's gather 'round the campfire and sing our campfire song...

Sponge Bob


Group Silly

The group that plays together stays together.

WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.