Giselle portrait
  • Expedition: Apr 4-9, 2004
  • Giselle
  • Liberty, Crenshaw and Reseda High Schools
  • Yosemite National Park: Hetch Hetchy

Wilderness and the Senses:

I am very excited about staying here because it is very nice to wake up with this sound. When I think about nature many different songs come to my mind. I don't miss anything, well except my family from my house and the reason is because this is the real world, if you think about it. How important is our nature and what should we do to save it? Maybe you will think about conserving it like it is, but do you really want to help us in keeping our nature like this? Think about it, nature is the most beautiful thing that we have and it's free and you can wonder this beauty without worries. Do you imagine a world without this? Think about it and try to figure out. The yellow sun makes my heart work and the green trees make my mind fly so I want to live here forever. I think that if I persuade my friends, family and all the people around me they will help me to keep saving all natural things. I think that if I start putting the example in taking care of this more people will follow me.

Giselle and friends at dam
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