Muhammad portrait
  • Expedition: May 26-31, 2002
  • Muhammad
  • Detroit Metropolitan Community Center, Atwater, and Owens Valley High School
  • Mono Meadow

what is wilderness? wilderness to me is being out with no street fights and ignorant people. and [it is] to meet people from different races.

are you in wilderness now [yosemite valley]?yes, we are in wilderness. it's like being out looking at trees, and deer, and ants.

Goals and Expectations

My goals are to learn as much as I can and then teach it to my young brothers because this is my first time having fun and learning at the same time.

This is how I feel about the trip:I feel like I could do this every summer. I'm having a great time meeting new people and learning some science. It's fun to learn something new. I learned a lot from the intructors. Well, I think Shelton was a great guy; he was funny. I'm so excited I started writing in my journal. The group is cool and everything.

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