- Expedition: Oct 14-19, 2002
- Puneet
- Turlock, Jill Kinmont Boothe, and Kingsburg High Schools
- Yosemite National Park
Why did you want to come on this trip? 10 reasons/goals 1. extral credit 2. no homework for a week 3. to have fun 4. learn more about wildlife 5. tell other people about Yosemite Park 6. make friends 7. get to know more 8. hiking 9. see bears 10. picture in the newspaper
3 Fears 1. heights 2. climbing 3. bears
My goals for today!
My personal goal for today was not to give up and keep trying.
My goal was to carry my 200 pounds backpack all the way thru.
My goal was to stay on the trail, and not get lost.
And my goal was to finish my water bottle so I won't get a headache.
I think I think of all the wonderful things that I may be looking ahead.
I see I see the big pine trees and beautiful mountains. I see my trail going up and down.
I hear I hear the silent sound of the wind whispering in my ears.
I touch... I touch the great big giant rocks around me!