- Expedition: Oct 14-19, 2002
- Milia
- Turlock, Jill Kinmont Boothe, and Kingsburg High Schools
- Yosemite National Park
Why did you want to come on this trip? 10 reasons/goals
10 Goals!!
1. Not just to meet people , but to make friends
2. To truly respect others and their differences
3. To be educated, not ignorant of what's around me
4. To be positive and have a good time by making others laugh
5. To make my time here worthwhile
6. To be encouraging
7. To not worry
8. To watch my mouth
9. To make a difference in someone's life 10. To be myself
3 Fears
1. I am afraid of what others think of me
2. I am afraid I will get hurt/sick
3. I am afraid that I won't have a good time.
Free Write
I don't know what I'm feeling. Is it real? Am I here? It might be a dream. It doesn't matter - I am enjoying myself in God's beautiful creation. I feel the warmth of the sun. I hear the birds chirping as the breeze rustles the tall dry grass. Everything is so calm as opposed to my usually fast busy world. I am happy to be alive.
How were you challenged today?
Wed - Oct 16, 2002 5:49:08p.m. Today was our first real time hike - 4 miles to Sunrise Lake. The hike was kinda tough, but easier than I thought. My pack didn't even feel too heavy. My only other major probs was I kept losing my balance & catching my breath. I'm not sure what was the biggest challenge. I just know that I am proud of myself for making it up here - wait! The biggest challenge was hiking uphill. It is also freezing!! - can barely write with gloves on. Kristin wants us to step out of our comfort zone. I said cool & can do. She's like ya, but you have to throw away your watch (not literally!) You are supposed to do things when you want to not when its time to, you know? She is totally right, but I can't live without knowing the time!! I thought "duking" in the woods was bad.
I think I'm having a good time. The weather is beautiful. I am glad that I came.
I hear footsteps, buzzing insects, the sound of my breathing
I smell... fresh air.
I touch the crumbly soft earth, the bumpy granite stone, my rough dry hands.
I see God's creation - people, trees, rocks, dirt, plants, bugs, and the warm sun.