Stephen portrait
  • Expedition: Jan 5-10, 2003
  • Stephen
  • Planada and Le Grand High Schools
  • Sierra National Forest. Hite's Cove

If I were to change something in the world it would be... getting rid of pollution and poverty.

stephen chilling

Adjectives: Interesting, Smart, Joker
Two people that inspire me: are my family and Carlos Santana
What is one thing you want to do this week? I want to have a snowball war.
What is one thing you want to do in your life? Become a successful musician/engineer and own a guitar shop on the side.
Favorite food: Pizza
Favorite movie: "Road Trip"
Favorite place: Pismo Beach.

Phot: stephen by the river

The relevance of the Sierra I have always liked coming to Yosemite. Yosemite is a place that reminds me of freedom and natural things. All I ever see is towns, cities, or country and coming here and seeing all of the natural rocks and the natural mountains, this makes me happy. I am not the kind of guy that sits here and talks about how things are beautiful. But this place really is nice, it reminds me of how Indians used to roam this place along with animals. The rivers are so very important to me, because I like fishing and swimming and this is the water we live off of. This place is also a big part of history, I think it is because had a gold rush here according to my camp leader. This place just is perfect, it is freedom, no boundaries. This backpacking trip has given me anew perspective on freedom, this trip has also help me explore many things that not just anybody has seen.

The Spirit of Adventure

This [William O. Douglas] quote is cool. It talks about how these mountains are some challenges of the heart soul and mind. This trip has been really cool, I would have never thought that I would have accomplished this (the walking). The reason I thought this was, I just am recovering from fractured leg and a messed up back. This quote is so true, the mountains offer adventure, a challenge, and also a great feeling.

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