Esmeralda portrait
  • Expedition: Jan 5-10, 2003
  • Esmeralda
  • Planada and Le Grand High Schools
  • Sierra National Forest. Hite's Cove

If I were to change one thing in the world...I would change all the violence there is in the world against countries and people.

esmeralda in the laboratory

Nickname: Leaf
Adjectives: Energetic, Talkative, Friendly
Two people who inspire you: my mom and my dad
What is one thing you want to do this week? While I'm in Yosemite I want to do many things this week but the one thing I really want to do is have fun.
What is one thing you want to accomplish in your life? I have two choices from what I want to do in life. They are doing the righ things or the wrong thing. I pick the right things. The right things to do is help the world be a better place any career will be good to improve my life and improve the world.
Favorite food: Mexican Food
Favorite movie: "Drum Line"
Favorite place: My home

Relevance of the Sierra Nevada
Yosemite is an important place for anyone who lives in or near it. Without the things that the Yosemite forest has for us we would probably not be able to survive. Two of some of the many things that Yosemite forest has is fresh clean water and also history. The variety of location that Yosemite forest has are phenomenal and hard to put in words. The songs of the river, the movement of the leave on trees surrounding the mountains and also the surrounding mountains make Yosemite essential for San Joaquin Valley. Individually I think Yosemite is the best place to live especially if on of your passions is dealing with nature.

phto: alexis, jessica and esmeralda

The water of the Sierra Nevada travels all the way to where I live and without that natural water we receive I'm pretty sure we wouldn't have a healthy life. Especially with all that contaminated water that people drink all around the world. For this reason I think we should protect the forest as much as we protect our lives. We can protect the water in the forest by no throwing trash in the river or any other things that would contaminate the water we drink.

One of the most important things Yosemite has for us is history. Many years ago a man named Hite discovered many gold in the forest of Yosemite. This man made up to ten-million dollars off of it. The following years men through that Hite might have left some gold behind so they decided to search. This is a little summary of Yosemite's forest. In conclusion I think we should protect he world and make it a better place. The world is our home lets keep it clean.

SOLO HIKING - The Spirit of Adventure
Backpacking by myself wasn't much of a challenge for me it was more of an adventure. Watching the trail go further and further made me more excited because no matter what I knew I was going to make all the way. I have a spirit as big as the tallest mountain, and no matter what happens I know it will get higher and higher each time. Only imagination also goes very far, as far as I could take it and far enough to envision things who weren't really there. Fore the first time I felt the spirit of adventure and I took whatever the mountains offered without a problem.

image: esmeralda's sketch esmeralda, laurel, alexis image: Esmeralda's mushroom sketch
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