Jessica portrait
  • Expedition: Jan 5-10, 2003
  • Jessica
  • Planada and Le Grand High Schools
  • Sierra National Forest. Hite's Cove

If I were to change one thing in the would be the violence there is.

jessica on her backpack

Nickname: Breeze
Adjectives: I'm humorous, funny, trustworthy
Two people who inspire you: my parents
What is one thing you want to do this week? This week I would like to have a huge snowball fight.
What is one thing you want to accomplish in your life?
One thing I would like to accomplish in life is becoming a forensic.
Favorite food: Mexican Food
Favorite movie: "Ice Age"
Favorite place: Nature

Relevance of the Sierra Nevada

image: jessica's sketch

I close my eyes. As I open my eyes I notice that I am standing on, what is now history of California? I'm standing on the trails miners walked to look for gold. I'm looking at the waters that every Californian drinks. I look at the mountains and wonder if the history of California will be passed on to the future generations. California has given many Americans food, gold, and water. As I look at my classmates, I wonder if we will one day become a part of history. It's exhilaration to know I'm walking through what is now history in California, everyday that I learn about my state, will be an every-day excitement.

The Spirit of Adventure
I had an experience of hiking a high mountain by myself and as the quote says it gave me a spirit of adventure. I always thought that I would be really scared of having to hike on my own; now I know I'm not. Now I think I have a quote of my own. "Never think you can't do anything; because that's what stops you from having fun in life". Now I know that the mountains aren't just trees, and rivers, but mountains give you a spirit of life.

jessica with esmeralda and alexis
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