Cari portrait
  • Expedition: Apr 13-18, 2014
  • Cari
  • Kingsburg High School
  • Yosemite National Park: Little Yosemite Valley

The wilderness tests me in so many ways. It showed me the strength I never knew I had and gave me the courage to overcome my fears. Now I’m closer to people and made new friends.

I saw lots of squirrels. One almost chased me. It was fun to see them. There were so many. Although they now scare me: “Habituated squirrel; don’t feed it!”

Cari Backpack

I learned many things in this experience. I learned how majestic and beautiful the view is. It is like a whole other world. Also how I like to conserve it for generations to come.

To me, the wilderness means a place that is wild. That no one can or would want to change. It is one of the most pure places in the world.

Cari Fire Rings

It feels breathtaking though it takes a lot of strength and courage to climb to see the view. There were points I wanted to stop but I’m glad I didn’t.

I see the spirit of Yosemite in the trees and wildlife. I see how proud she is with breathtaking views of mountain. I hear her with the whisper of the wind and crashing water of the Merced River.

Cari Leads Group
WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.