Kate portrait
  • Expedition: Apr 21-26, 2013
  • Kate
  • New Village Girls Academy
  • Yosemite National Park: Hetch Hetchy Reservoir

Dear Mom, You should come to Yosemite because there is a beautiful view here. Every day because you explore something new. There are so many exciting things here like animals such as deer, bears, and mountain lions. There is also many birds and trees. Another exciting thing you will see are the waterfalls. They are so beautiful. At night it sounds so cool you hear nature calling. There is also many rocks but every rock I have seen is different. I also like the people here, They are so nice.

Kate Cabin

LeConte Point

When I was coming up here I felt good, but at the same time I felt frustrated because every time we looked up to see if we where almost to the top of the Mountain Their were more things to climb up to. I also feel proud of me and the group of girls, Russell, Ariana, for making it to the top of the LeConte Point. I think I would never have made it if I were to climb this mountain by myself. I think I would need motivation.

Kate With Rocks

Being in the wilderness has taught me a lot of different thing. How to disinfect water. How to camp out and how to survive.

What wilderness means to me: it’s important. I find Yosemite unique because in LA I don’t see this as often. It also means to keep this clean because we want to conserve this for many years so different generations can see the beauty of Yosemite.

Kate Hauls Log
Kate Jisel Funny Faces
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