Courtney portrait
  • Expedition: Jun 15-20, 2014
  • Courtney
  • Coleville and Lee Vining High Schools
  • Yosemite National Park: Glen Aulin to May Lake


[A tree’s perspective]
I think I like it here in the wilderness. I get to see so many different people from this big world. I wouldn’t want to be a tree in a backyard, mostly because I couldn’t grow as big and branchy as I want…therefore, the wilderness is the place for me.

Courtney Journals


The wilderness gives me a sense of freedom because you don’t see many people, you don’t see ANY cars, and you usually don’t hear anything but footsteps and the voices around you. It allows you to be yourself and not worry about what the people around you believe and/or think about you. You feel free to do the things you want to do. You are surrounded by the people who truly care about you and even those who love you.

Courtney Stream Crossing


The wilderness brings out the true you, the you everyone loves. It means we bring ourselves to a place of isolation to show the beauty in ourselves that the crowded world takes away from us. They say the outdoors are dirty, but isn’t that the cleanest part of our lives?

Courtney Shovel
Courtney James Selfie
WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.