Lancelot portrait
  • Expedition: Jun 15-20, 2014
  • Lancelot
  • Coleville and Lee Vining High Schools
  • Yosemite National Park: Glen Aulin to May Lake

At a time of complete solitude, one becomes aware of who they are, and what they wish to be.

I ask one thing of you people now, to hold your heart and let a tear run down.

We live out here in the wilderness but don’t think there are things that we miss.

Lance Maps

A tree’s perspective If I were a tree in my own backyard, I would see people every day. It would grow to be something normal, boring, and unexciting. I would look at them and think of the dull parts of life rather than the exciting. But if I were a tree in the woods, it would be wild. I would see the birds and insects fly about and the critters soaring and running. I would like many years in complete immersion of solitude and commotion. But then the animals will run and the forest will be still and I will know the true sense of humans.

Lance Top of Hoffman

In the wild I am allowed to be wild. It is a place I can “let my hair down” and be a kid. At home I am held to a standard that wilderness lifts and no matter how much weight is on my back I feel more free than I do at home.

Lance Fur Hat

What does wilderness mean to me?

I think that it means survival. I think that Yosemite is the closest to just surviving I have ever been. It is the world the way the world is meant to be. That is why I think that Yosemite is almost an escape to reality from civilization.

Lance Stump
WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.