Annette portrait
  • Expedition: Feb 20-25, 2005
  • Annette
  • Parlier and Franklin High Schools
  • Sierra National Forest: Hites Cove

One thing that surprised me was the things that we have to do to not throw any food because we have to clean the dishes and drink that water. Other thing was that we had to do pee beside trees and do a hole to do that.

How do I feel in wilderness? Cuando estoy en la (wildness) me siento en paz y sin ningun problema. Me siento libre sin ningun ruido de la gente, alejada de todo lo que me imcomoda. Estar afuera de todo lo que haces y tu rutina diaria es una experiencia unica. Convivir con la naturaleza es algo sorprendente por que no tienes los materials que usas a diario como una cama, un microwave, t.v., aqui tu unica television es el maravillosos paisaje que puedes observer a tu alrededor. Es una experiencia unica que no todos los dias se vive.

When I am in the wildness I feel free and peaceful because I am away from the stress and troubles.

annette and girls in tent taking a break on some cool rocks
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