Francisco portrait
  • Expedition: Feb 3-8, 2002
  • Francisco
  • Reedley and Tokay High Schools
  • Sierra National Forest: Hite's Cove

First Impressions

I think that today was [a] pretty good day, especially at night, [while we were] watching the stars. The mountains almost looked like they were a Huge Paper that was set up in front for us to watch. Also, walking in the middle of the night was very tight. When we got to the fire it was very cool to sit and watch the beautiful sky that was so bright [and] full of stars.

Goals and Expectations

The thing that I was expecting most out of this trip is to meet new people and see the wild. [I want to] see all the animals that I can't see in Reedley.

Today has been a great day because we have explored a lot of places that you don't see in places where you live.

My Background and Wilderness

I think that my background will be something like a very nice person. I also think that being myself is something that nobody can take away from [me], because I don't think that I would ever change to another kind of person, like a gangster. My background is not the best in the world but I think that the way my background was made was great. I have 1 brother and 3 sisters and two parents, [which is something] that a lot of people would like to have.

Wilderness Poetry

In our minds we hold the
Past In our eyes we hold
Today In our hearts we hold Each Other

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