- Career Connection: Jul 6-20, 2018
- 2018 Career Connections
- Yosemite National PArk
Career Connections provides WildLink alumni who are curious about careers in Yosemite National Park an opportunity to explore the various career options within a park setting. This year, five students were selected to participate in this hands-on, behind-the-scenes exploration of careers in the park. We spent two weeks engaging in a series of job shadowing activities and presentations from over 30 employees of the National Park Service, the park concessioner, NatureBridge, Yosemite Conservancy and others.
Five joyful folks came together for two weeks to experience what life is like working in Yosemite National Park. These WildLink alumni represented Turlock and Venture Academy, both high schools from the great Central Valley. As other Career Connection students have done in the past, these 5 had an amazing 12 days in Yosemite National Park. They experienced the interesting history and beauty of Hetch Hetchy by boat, and interviewed dozens of happy and caring people who have chosen to live and work in a this National Park. This group thoughtfully explored what career opportunities await them in wild places everywhere. From law enforcement, wildlife biology, restoration and climbing to business and revenue services, the career opportunities are endless! Thank you to all the participants for the laughter, games, and thoughtful insight we shared over the exciting 12 days. Anahi, Estefania, Joseph, Karina and Marlene - we can't wait to see where your path takes you!