Tecpatl portrait
  • Expedition: Mar 27 - Apr 1, 2016
  • Tecpatl
  • Generation Green Southern California Consortium
  • Yosemite National Park: Rancheria Falls

I have come the last 2 years to Yosemite via NatureBridge WildLink. I have loved every year and have grown because of them. This year is especially important to me, because this year more of my close friends were able to come. I am really thankful for the opportunities that I have been given by Generation Green and Yosemite's organizations.

Tecpatl Lake

5 observations
4 connections
3 ways it changes/has changed
2 reasons for the change
1 question about it

- charcoal was left inside
- sticks all around it
- rocks are stained from the burning
- dry leaves around it
- rocks surround it

- the rocks touch each other to create a barrier
- the charcoal touches the rocks
- sticks touch the rocks and charcoal
- all of it touches the ground

- charcoal grows as things burn
- rocks more as people come and go
- rocks darken as fire burns

- people like to adjust for comfort
- fire and wood create and leave charcoal

- does fire ever truly stop burning?

Tecpatl Looks
Tecpatl Juan Laugh
Tecpatl Rocks
Tecpatl Cards
WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.