Analyssa portrait
  • Expedition: Jun 5-10, 2005
  • Analyssa
  • Harbor City Boys and Girls Club
  • Yosemite National Park: Glacier Point to Half Dome to Yosemite Valley

What makes the Wilderness sacred to you?

Half Dome shoulder is really beautiful. When you're up here you just feel great. You that all the hard work is worth it. The scenery is calming in a way I feel closer to god. The birds chirping and the clouds blowing through is the best experience anyone can ever have. I am real grateful to be able to come on this trip. This is like a once in a lifetime opportunity. I will never forget this place. I hope that we can protect it so that maybe my children and I can come here, because this mountain, this whole place is too beautiful to trash.

Half Dome Shoulder

sisters girls in tent
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