Ly portrait
  • Expedition: Mar 20-25, 2005
  • Ly
  • Madera High School
  • Yosemite National Park: Merced Grove

What are your fears and goals for the expedition?

Fear. Fear is a subject I'm not too familiar with. What is fear? What am I really afraid of? I'm not sure, but I think people are really afraid of is themselves, humans. I don't really fear anything materialistic. I am worried, however, that this trip won't meet my expectations.

How did it feel during the space walk to the cabin?

I really have no words to express my feelings on this trek to the cabin. But the experience of this trip is something I'll remember for a pretty long time. I've always loved the out-doors, and the cool breeze of the wind. I really enjoyed the lone trek to the cabin. I was able to take my time, and see all of the life around me. I don't have too many words to say. The weather was great, snowing and raining.

What makes Yosemite sacred/special to you?

To me, this place, Yosemite, is very unique. It's not every day that I can be in an environment so free and full of life. What really makes Yosemite special are the ancient sequoias, I've never seen anything like them. The steep mountains and lush waterfalls and streams are breathtaking. Why this place is sacred to me? There are only a few places like this, and so I would like to cherish Yosemite Park and my time here. In my life, I've never been able to experience a place like Yosemite.

ly in the snow ly and shong with sequoias
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