The Next Step: WildLink Career Connection

WildLink students and alumni who are curious about careers in Yosemite National Park have a unique opportunity through WildLink Career Connection. Each year, six students are selected to participate in this hands-on, behind-the-scenes exploration of careers in the park. Career Connection participants spend two weeks engaged in a series of job shadowing activities and presentations from over 30 employees of the National Park Service, the park concessioner, NatureBridge, Yosemite Conservancy and others. Sessions include resume building workshops and guidance in applying for NPS positions, and WildLink staff provide one-on-one mentoring for individuals who are motivated to pursue education and future positions in public lands.

Want to be part of this exceptional career development opportunity?

Stay tuned for 2020 dates and application!

WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.