Ashley portrait
  • Expedition: Oct 17-22, 2010
  • Ashley
  • Environmental Studies Academy and Merced Boys and Girls Club
  • Yosemite National Park

Today has probably been one of the best days of my life. I know that sounds very cliche but it's the honest to God truth. I really learned a lot about myself and about nature. I've become a good teamplayer and an excellent observer. I have learned how to accept the fact that I can't stay in my comfort zone if I want to learn about myself or about life in general. For some odd reason I have let the cleanliness that I was used to go and have grabbed on to the beauty of nature. I see why people love being away from society and entering into God's world. This hike has really helped me to get to know myself and the impact I have on others. My favorite part of the trip was learning about myself and also learning that it's okay to be you.

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