Kevin portrait
  • Expedition: Nov 10-14, 2007
  • Kevin
  • Kingsburg and Madera HS
  • Yosemite National Park

"Wilderness is not undiscovered territory; it is a change of heart." Chip Rawlins

I believe that in a way, this statement is true. The wilderness is the part of nature man has not touched. It is wild, free and part of the real world. Everything else is controlled, modified, and destroyed. What man has done is nature, but a different part of nature. It is trapped.

I have learned that nature may not only give you unforgetful experiences, but it can bring a group of people together. Nature opens your eyes and makes you realize that it is all around you. It makes you appreciate all the things you have every day.

This experience has shown me the beauty of the Earth and its right to stay that way. To help protect it, I can recycle more of my trash. Pick up any trash I can from the ground. Maybe even talk to people about my experience.

On top of Cloud's rest, 10,000 feet: Our hike to Cloud's Rest was awesome. The peak gave us an amazing view. More people should experience the same things I did. Hiking may seem like a tedious task, but it makes the destination that much better. You'll love the feeling you get when you realize you just climbed a mountain.

jonathan, luceli and kevin taking a break back of half dome
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