• Expedition: May 13-16, 2005
  • Reedly High School Generation Green
  • Sequoia National Park

From May 13-16, a group of students from Reedley High School's Generation Green Program joined the Sierra Nevada History Association and CORE for a special WildLink adventure in Sequoia National Park. Enjoy the following writings, photographs and artwork which share the story of their experiences.

Being out in the mountains brings me beautiful feelings. I feel powerful when walking uphill and getting to the top of a mountain. I feel clean when splashing the spring water on my face. I feel happy when sitting around the campfire toasting marshmallows. I feel relaxed when looking at the bright stars at night. I feel thrilled about learning more about nature. After this experience I feel a lot more "aware". I learned how to listen to sounds of the wilderness. I know how to camp out without leaving a trace behind. Thanks to Wildlink, I am able to take this amazing outdoor experience with me and share it with others. Most importantly, I will teach others now to love and conserve our Mother Earth. Wendy - chaperone

creek group with map group in snow

...I will continue to do as much as I can to protect nature from being destroyed but also speak to others about the importance of nature...Wee need these trees for our survival and many don't realize how much we need them. It's funny because Mother Nature doesn't need us and probably would be better off without us... Silvia – student

arms around a sequoia sequoia john teaching sketch of sequoia

...Also my listening and observing skills have improved, before I used to focus a lot on us, the noise we make, now I am able to go through the noise we make and pick up sounds of birds and creeks and branches... Marisela – student

student journaling stream crossing flowers student journaling

Now the wilderness to me means a lot more than meant before. It means life, freedom, peace. This is now part of my life. And now I know that every single step that we walk to be here worth it. Mindy – student

on the trail the girls the boys in the tent

I think that nature is a wonderful thing it's beautiful. It could be so surprising. Noe - student

around the campfire eating breakfast student waking up
WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.