Lakia portrait
  • Expedition: Jun 3-8, 2001
  • Lakia
  • Atwater High School and the Detroit Metropolitan Community Center
  • Yosemite National Park. Glen Aulin

My contribution

What I am coming with to the group is me, my ways that I [feel?] about life. I feel like everyone is different in a way. I am coming with my view and my way that I see life. I am so glad that I have the chance to do something different that I can tell everyone about. This is something that I think that I would like to teach everyone about; not just people my age but anyone who does not know.

So, what I would bring to the group is a leader for everyone to show them that there is so much out here in the world that we have not yet seen. I am here because it is something new that I have never seen or done before and something I never would think I would do or get the chance to do. And me, as being a young person, I feel that you should try everything almost and give everything a try. What I am going to take back[:] I think a better outlook on life and everything in my life. I think it makes you mature a little and you get a bigger and better picture on life and a lot of other things.

La Kia studies a test tube while performing the Nitrate protocol.

The movement is nature itself

The movement is nature itself the birds and grass would talk for themselves the wind and the clouds would have a story to tell but what about she ? That she would be me because nothing stays still for long. Everything I see it moves[;] everything I touch it moves[;] and, every thing that touches me it moves. Everything around me has life.The trees that give me ai, the wind that blows that makes me cold, the clouds that I see that make you wonder, the grass that smells like no other. I am she and she is me. I can relate to all I see when I dream. I float like the clouds in the sky when I sing or think of a song. I think of the birds when I close my eyes and I lay my head onto the grass I think of home and my fluffy pillow. The tress keep me cool so still I say that everything still moves.

New friends

I don't know what to write. I am not feeling anything today. I just feel like I am enjoying myself, but I miss my friends but I know that when it is time to go that I am going to miss the new friends that I have made when I got here like Anna & Sair. I am going to miss them because they have gotten so close to me.

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