Carlos portrait
  • Expedition: Apr 16-21, 2001
  • Carlos
  • West and Woodlake High Schools
  • Hite's Cove

A week of hopeful expectations...

A week of hopeful expectations is about to commence for me. Here on this soaked old log that is full of history to tell, the snow blinds me with its brightness of the sun and I, Carlos, look forward to a life building experience. A small insect lands on my page... and I scare it away but now I regret that action, retrospecting on observing the wondrous creation that Jehovah God has put on this earth. To just imagine that every single snowflake on the ground has its own individual characteristics blows away your mind and lets you understand that there definitely [is] a Creator who is interested in us. It is stupid to think that evolution was the way that we came to be when all around you there is a whole complicated ecosystem that fits perfectly in an intricate pattern.

The air I'm breathing even now goes through a system, cycle, that we must agree did not just "come to be". All the stages that ti goes through, from carbon dioxide, to everything that happens a plant and tree, to the production of oxygen.

The main reason for coming to this place of marvelous beauty is to glorify God even more by contemplating his wondrous garden. In addition, I also would rejoice in seeing that at the end of this week, me and all the other group members join together in cooperation, communications, teamwork, and love as a big family.

The purpose of data collection...

On a story day like this, as you sit in your tent listening to the never ending raindrops on the canopy I, Carlos, reflect on what the purpose of the collection of data we gathered was about. I think that the purpose is to be aware. By taking studies of nature in particular region of the globe, the people in this globe become aware of the different changes, good or bad, that is occurring today all around us.

By making people, common people, and government people, aware of changes we motivate to differ in the way we live. By this, I mean more clean.

If some degradation is observed in a spot of nature by being aware people are motivated to make change. When the data shows improvement, it encourages people to continue in their cleaner way of living.

Life as a raider in Hite's Cove

Riding the Yosemite Valley on the black and orange stallion of Colored Savage, I Carlos and my raiding partner, Jose, have become used to hiding from the 6th Cavalry of General Crook after the Savage Trading Post Raid two weeks ago. We are the remaining sons of the Legendary Roberto. Both David and Roberto died unfortunately at the Raid.

Coming from a weird family there are many advantages and disadvantages. I suddenly became famous for my rebellious character throughout Hite's Cove. All my young life was full of much time in the Marshall's cell, after running around with my brothers and causing trouble.

Time passed and I grew up, I married a beautiful girl whose father was the owner of the most successful mine in Hite's Cove. But thanks to an unfortunate fight between my father and my Father-in-law, a drunken night in my father's bar, my wife's father refused to hand down his mine to us.

After a big trial in court, the jury, which included the Shanghia Dining Restaurant owner, Mr. and Mrs. Wang, Mr. Jones from the Goody Gold Mine, White Feathered Chief from the nearby Indian village and the entrepreneur of Buddy Plumbing, Mr. Seemore with his Catching a Bear jingle...

Well anyway the trial did not go in my favor and I did not inherit the mine. Out of desperation I got together with bros and decided to raid the Gold shipment from my Father-in-law's mine that was passing through Savage['s] [Trading] Post.

Not knowing what the future will bring, I sit on my stallion waiting for Jose to return with Seemore.

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