Nary portrait
  • Expedition: Mar 25-30, 2001
  • Nary
  • Divisadero Middle School and Sunnyside and Redwood High Schools
  • Hite's Cove

Who am I .....

Hi. My name is Nary. I'm sorry at my first day here I did not get to have a chance to type up my day about my experiences in my day of the" WILDLINK Program."

Yesterday, I was supposed to write about my story of a water drop. I didn't finish writing my story. Ahh, why didn't I finish writing my story is the question.

Nary carefully manuevers her way through the "acid river" group challenge.

I tried to use the typing keyboard but I had trouble using the keyboard to type. So I used the little mechanical pen to write up my story. Writing with the mechanical pen was very hard to do. I didn't ask for help, but I should have aske[d] for help. But when I asked for help it was too late to finish typing my water drop story.

In conclusion, if I had asked right away for help to program my keyboard so I can type, I would have finished or nearly finished my story. So here I am typing up what happened yesterday, because I learned today that nobody will notice what happened unless it is explained. And things happened for a reason. Things are created, but you have to look deep into that thing to see inside and what was it's history to make it become real in the world of living.

Final thoughts

I'm very happy to be here at this trip to Yosemite. Perrine and Nicole, plus my family and teacher gave me my opportunity to give me such an experience. The other pupils are unexpected, but if you just learn to spend a little more time with people (anybody); then you will start to realize everybody gives the most to make this field trip happy and successful!

WildLink is a proud partner of the National Park Service, National Forest Service, and Nature Bridge.